Leonard Lardaro, Ph.D.

About Me
Professor of Economics at the University of Rhode Island 

MY BLOG: Economics and the Rhode Island Economy
A blog devoted to providing my perspectives on economics and the Rhode Island economy that utilizes discussion, tables, graphs, and hyperlinks to illustrate key points and where I come a lot closer to saying what I really think than what I say to the general media.
The Current Conditions Index
An indicator I developed to assess the current state of the Rhode Island economy. The CCI for each month is reported in detail. You can also download this month's report.
The Current Performance of Rhode Island's Economy
Seasonally adjusted statistics on key economic measures of Rhode Island's performance
How Rhode Island Compares
Fifty-state comparisons each month on  payroll employment growth, unemployment rates, and labor force growth rates

Mind Boggling Graphs and Tables
Insights into Rhode Island's present recovery, many contrasting where we are now with where we were in the 80s

Newspaper Articles About the RI Economy
Articles about the Rhode Island economy that I have published in The Providence Journal and the Providence Business News.

Rhode Island's Transition to a Service Economy
Graphs and discussion of this major structural change that occurred in October of 1987.

Key Fiscal Concepts
PowerPoint presentation detailing basic concepts for use when analyzing Rhode Island's (or any state's) fiscal performance

Recommended Sites
A series of sites, not just related to economics that I find useful and interesting

Favorite Quotes
Some dubious quotes by famous people

References for Exploring Stocks on the Internet
A page that provides a number of helpful Internet resources when interested in investing in stocks - stock information and economic references

Mail: Department of Economics // University of Rhode Island
Kingston, RI 02881-0808 // Phone: (401) 874-4128
E-mail address: llardaro@uri.edu